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Some Recent Publications

Levin, B. and Iyer P. “Legal Implications in the Care of Orthopedic Patients: Serious Complications,” ­Nursing Clinics of North America. Vol. 55, No. 2, Pp 209-224. June 2020.

Levin, B. and Cupec, P. “Complications Associated with Orthopaedic Surgeries.” An Introduction to Orthopaedic Nursing, 5th edition. Chicago, Illinois, NAON. April 2018.


Smith, MA; Walsh, C; Levin, B; Eaten, K; Yager, M. “Orthopaedic Snafus: When Adverse Events Happen in Orthopaedics,” Orthopaedic Nursing Journal. Vol. 36, No. 2. March/April 2017.

Editor: “Neurovascular Assessment of the Lower Extremity in the Orthopaedic Patient.” NAON. August 2015.

Levin, B. “Legal, Regulatory and Liability Issues.” Sigma Theta Tau. February 2012.


Iyer, P; Levin, B; Ashton, K; Powell, V. editors. Nursing Malpractice, 4th edition, Volume 1 “Foundations of Nursing Malpractice Claims” and Volume II “Roots of Nursing Malpractice.” Tucson, Arizona, Lawyers & Judges Publishing. May 2011.


Reviewer: “Care of the Patient with Knee Problems,” Introduction to Orthopaedic Nursing, 4th edition, NAON. October 2010.


DiCecco, K; Cohen, M; Levin, B. “Failure to Communicate.” Trial Magazine. May 2010.


Iyer, P. and Levin, B. Medical-Legal Aspects of Medical Records, Second Edition, Volume I – Foundations of Medical Records and Volume II – Clinical Specialty Records. Lawyers & Judges Publishing. March 2010.


Levin, B. and Schappler, N. “Complications in Orthopaedics,” Core Curriculum for Orthopaedic Nursing, 6th Edition, Pearson. November 2007.


AALNC Chair: “Legal Nurse Consulting: Scope and Standards of Practice,” American Nurses Association. June 2006.


Levin, B. and Yeon, H. “Closed Versus Open Fractures: Mending the Confusion,” LNC Resource, Vol. 2, No.12. December 2005.


Levin, B; Clark, K; Cohen, M; Mihalich, J. AALNC Position Statement, “Practice of Nursing.” September 2005.


Interview: LNC Resource – “ANA Recognizes Legal Nurse Consulting As Nursing Specialty.” May 2005.

Iyer, P; Levin, B; Shea, MA. Medical-Legal Aspects of Medical Records. Lawyers & Judges Publishing. December 2005.


Interview: Chicago Tribune – “Be Your Own Boss.” June 2004.

Interview: Commonwealth Magazine – “History and Current Trends in Nursing.” March 2004.

Iyer, Barbacci, Dlugose, Joos, Levin, Magnusson, Peterson, Wilson-Soga, Yudkoff. Legal Nurse Consulting: Principles and Practices, Second Edition. CRC Press. 2002


Chovanec, Levin and Kremser. “Alternative Dispute Resolution – Settlement, Arbitration, Mediation.” Legal Nurse Consulting: Principles and Practices. CRC Press. 1997.

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